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In-Home Care | Assisted Living Placement

Rite Home Care is Maryland’s premier provider for In-Home Care and Assisted Living Placement. Our team provides high quality care to people throughout the Maryland area and we are passionate about serving you and your needs. If you are looking to bring care into your home, our team of certified caregivers are trained in all aspects of senior care from Alzheimer’s and dementia care, end-of-life and hospice care, to companionship and personal assistance. If you are looking to move to an assisted living facility or home, our team of care managers will meet with you personally and assist you in finding a place for yourself or your loved one.

We provide In-Home Care and Assisted Living Placement services throughout Rockville, Potomac, Bathesda, Chevy Chase and surrounding areas in Maryland.

For In-Home Care Click Here

For Assisted Living Click Here

Home Care Made Affordable

At Rite Home Care, we believe in providing high quality of care at a rate that won’t break the bank. Unlike many other providers, we charge an affordable rate for everything including personal care, memory care, couples care, and more!

FREE Placement Service

If staying at home is no longer the best option, we offer a FREE service to help you find the right assisted living community for yourself or your loved one. We provide personal tours, negotiating on your behalf, and transportation to help make your search for assisted living a smooth and peaceful experience.


24/7 Staffing

A member of our management team is available 24 hours/day and we are available to serve your needs at a moment’s notice. Our team of care professionals is ready to fill any and all of your needs at a moment’s notice.

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